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The Partnership works closely with the Rhode Island cancer centers to increase access to optimal treatment plans for cancer patients.

Share Your Story

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network has an ongoing survey of cancer patients and survivors called “Survivors Views.” Over 3,000 cancer survivors have agreed to participate in Survivor Views by responding to regular surveys on policy issues that support the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer and promote survivors’ quality of life. Through Survivor Views, ACS CAN hear directly from cancer survivors about their experiences and their perspectives on critical cancer-related issues.  This information helps shape the development of policy positions and provides important evidence to support the enactment of these policies. They have issued a survey to attempt to better understand the impact of the pandemic, and the results will be released shortly. To view, the results of the survey click here. If you are a caregiver, family member, friend, or survivor who would like to share a personal story, you may do so here.


* We also encourage you to send in your personal stories--as they relate to COVID-19, survivorship, caregiving, or any other cancer-related topic. You can email them to us at!

About Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are regulated research studies that try to find better ways to prevent, screen for, diagnose or treat a disease. These critical studies answer specific questions about new interventions—which can be new vaccines, drugs, and devices—and measure their effectiveness and safety for patients. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates clinical trials in the U.S.


It is important to explore all options when treating lung disease. Consider clinical trials as soon as you are diagnosed and every time you have to make a treatment decision.


To learn more about clinical trials, please visit American Lung Association

Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island

     405 Promenade St, Ste. C
     Providence, RI 02908

     (401) 443-2375

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The Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island, 2024. The Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Tax ID Number: 85-2361783


The Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island does not support or endorse any commercial providers of materials or services, and therefore does not accept advertising for or links to such providers on this website.


This program is supported in part by Cooperative Agreement Number NU58DP007118, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and awarded to the Rhode Island Department of Health. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the Rhode Island Department of Health.

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